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You Can't Unsee Donald Trump's Bizarre Dance



Donald Trump is a lot of things to a lot of people ― former president, prominent businessman, criminal defendant, to name a few ― but he is definitely not a dancer.

And that fact was made apparent during his Thursday rally in the Bronx, when he attempted to bust a move ― the monkey dance, to be specific ― as Sam & Dave’s 1966 track “Hold On I’m Coming” played over the sound system

You can see Trump dance below, but, warning, you won’t be able to unsee it ― no matter how hard you try.

Although Trump’s dance moves reminded some of the recent TikTok dance challenge, in which kids ask their parents to dance like they did in the 80s, it didn’t seem to be a direct reference.

In 2020, Trevor Noah once attempted to imitate Trump’s chaotic choreography, before realizing, “This is all of the classic bad dance moves back to back.”

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